Thursday, March 20, 2008

In honor of Mr. Rogers

Today would have been Fred Rogers' 80th birthday.

Family Communications Inc. of Pittsburgh, the company Rogers started to help produce his show, has encouraged today, March 20, to be "Sweater Day."

"Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" has been a staple of PBS stations for years. In addition to changing his shoes at the start of each episode, one of Rogers' trademarks was the sweater he would wear every day.

I always enjoyed watching Mr. Rogers, and was more than willing to participate. Unfortunately, the only other person I saw wearing a sweater today was Dr. Tony Cartledge, my instructor for Ministry of Writing at Campbell University Divinity School (through whom I learned about this special day). Many others said they wanted to wear a sweater, but a) didn't have one or b) forgot. Oh, well.

My wife was nice enough to snap this shot of me wearing my sweater. She calls it my "old man" sweater. It doesn't make me look old, does it?

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