Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ministry of Writing Class for Thursday, March 13, 2008

We talked about writing commentaries in Ministry of Writing class today. There was some confusion about what was meant by "commentary." Some people had in mind the sholarly volumes found in libraries used to write exegesis papers. Dr. Cartledge explained that what we were writing as a commentary was more of a study guide for Sunday school teachers or students.

Class members brought in samples of commentaries from publications, most likely Baptists Today or the Biblical Recorder. Somehow the example I had was not well written. It's not the first time something I brought to class as an example was not top notch. How do I keep picking these poorly written articles?

After class I had a nice conversation with Dr. Cartledge about possibly submitting my article on writing an exegesis paper to Dr. Cogdill and Dr. Jones for distribution to new students. He thought it was a good idea and suggested that we go over it together to see where the writing could be "tightened up."

I also asked him about submitting my commentary (once written) for publication in Baptists Today or the Biblical Recorder. He suggested that I send it in as a sample of my writing and ask to be considered for any future writing assingments. He also said that the pay was less than stellar, but most writers submitted articles for print exposure, not money.

And I shared with him that Joleanna and I are going to see Garrison Keillor of "A Prairie Home Companion" at ECU in Greenville, NC on the last Monday in April. Dr. Cartledge quipped that he liked Keillor's radio show much more than his movie. I haven't seen it, but may have to look into seeing the movie sometime soon.

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